
Jev Suchoi

Cloud Consultant | Architecture, Automation & Security Specialist

Getting along with winget - advanced package installation

In my previous post I went trough my experiences with using the basic Winget commands. And mentioned that anyone who needs more control over the installation options will quickly note that when Winget uses the default installation options when installing packages. In this post I would like to share with you how I managed to solve this and get the control I need during the installation process. Winget Advanced installation, the override command The winget install documentation shows that an --override option is available, with an input “A string that will be passed directly to the installer”.

Getting along with winget - basic packed management

During my summer holiday I had a one day break from sunny weather so I decided to use the family tablet to fiddle with some PowerShell. As expected only the standard software was installed on the tablet. I could either start installing everything I need manually or use this opportunity dig a bit into winget . I hope you will enjoy both the basics and the advanced configuration experience shared via this post.

Git gud with branch naming

With this post I want to share my approach to Git branch naming. This is the 4th and final post in the naming convention series . Tip Check out the full naming convention series : The 10 commandments for Azure naming conventions The perfect azure naming convention A naming convention to bring order to variable groups When working in large teams, managing branches can quickly become a hassle. Comparing branches to figure out their feature set, is a time consuming and error prone activity.

A naming convention to bring order to variable groups

With this post I want to share my approach to naming Azure DevOps variable groups. This post is the 3rd in the naming convention series . Tip Check out the full naming convention series : The 10 commandments for Azure naming conventions The perfect azure naming convention Git gud with branch naming The naming convention In my experience there are a lot of different way’s Azure DevOps projects are organized. Also in contrary to the Azure resource naming variable groups are renamable and don’t possess an ability to hold additional metadata like tagging.

The perfect Azure naming convention

This post is the 2nd in the naming convention series . With this post I want to share my approach to naming Azure resources. Why a naming convention is important is already covered by my previous post . However I do believe that some background is required to understand this approach. So, lets dig in. Tip Check out the full naming convention series : The 10 commandments for Azure naming conventions A naming convention to bring order to variable groups Git gud with branch naming Naming convention background A proper naming convention is one of the main methods for building and maintaining Cloud infrastructure as cattle and not as pets.

The 10 commandments for Azure naming conventions

There are many Azure related naming conventions guides but this one is mine! For every 10 engineers and architects asked you will get 10 different replies on such a topic as naming conventions. With this blog post I would like to kick-off a small series of blog posts sharing my view points about Azure related naming conventions. In this post starting with why a proper naming convention is important and the 10 commandments I generally follow when working on a naming convention.